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Webinar Articles: Festival of Higher Education


19 Feb 2021

Transforming Campus through Experience Masterplan - 4 February 2021

Transforming Campus through Experience Masterplan - 4 February 2021

Lessons from Retail

Sectors outside of the higher education sector can inspire the redesign of university campuses centring on user needs in a rapidly changing world. In retail, products and brands are communicated through appropriate use of space and visual cues. Quality, science and engineering behind the product are expressed in some form in a powerful and engaging manner. Companies recognise that using complex words or phrases may be a language barrier, inhibiting understanding. Determining an appropriate means of communication through visual cues allow tailoring to a global audience. Take Adidas for instance. Mannequins are positioned in a running stance in the running section of an Adidas store, communicating not only the activity, but its connotations: energy, speed, momentum. In every Adidas store, three stripes run along the wall from the entrance to the back of the store where shoes are on display; an area which is typically most popular. The subliminal message that the stripes convey encourages customers to gravitate here. Understanding the psychology of space is significant in attracting customers. Under one roof, a brand can have multiple facets suiting the values, interests and needs of numerous groups of people. Similar to a mall, which continually adapts and updates its stores to remain relevant, in a university context the world of education is rapidly evolving. Adaptable and flexible learning spaces are needed to accommodate these changes.

Protecting University Campus Survival

Blended learning may be an existential threat to university campus survival. Re-evaluating design and purpose may help universities communicate their values and attract users, generating an exciting student experience. Utilising space as a communication tool can generate meaning, culture and inclusion, influencing how users respond to settings. Spaces which provide a sense of belonging significantly improve cognitive performance and well-being. To achieve this experience, understanding why users are attracted to the university may help to develop its exclusivity. Linking back to the retail sector, businesses take Webinar Review Space Zero we are asking estate departments to consider a new approach to campus design, geared to the emergent needs of a new economy and rapidly evolving worldThe publisher is unable to take responsibility for the views and opinions expressed by contributors. Any advice, opinion or information contained is published only on the footing that the Publisher, and all contributors to this article shall be under no liability whatsoever in respect of contents. onboard what differentiates them from their competitors rather than copying them. This is how universities could transform campuses, generating unique and exciting experiences while tying into the university’s culture and history. To successfully utilise the psychology of space with a limited budget, focussing on transforming one area is more impactful and valuable than spreading money across multiple settings. Universities need to understand what they are, the opportunities they can offer, their values and the calibre of people they aim to attract to sufficiently refine their campus.

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