Lessons Learned from England, Scotland & Wales
The Place of Value. One practice two journeys - sharing experience of where true value is found from both sides of the border
Grant Sellars, Chris Malcolm & Richard Wise, Ryder Architecture, Dr Sharon Wright, the-learning-crowd, Steven Anderson, Scottish Futures Trust
Drawing from experience on both sides of the border, Ryder Architecture, in collaboration with the Scottish Futures Trust and The Learning Crowd, share their experience from two key programs: the LEIP, in Scotland, and the DfE’s Schools Replacement Programme (SRP), in England. They will share their experiences and perceptions of strategic objectives of each programme, discuss the differences and the overlaps and how one programme can learn from the positive aspects of each approach and in the context of the current economic climate where should value lie in our future learning spaces – how do we get more with less?
Cardiff Council’s Design Framework for ‘High Quality Learning Environments’
Carly Parramore, Senior Architect, AtkinsRéalis
Aligned to Cardiff Council’s 2030 Vision for a Capital City for Learning and Opportunity, Cardiff Council have set out a new Design Framework for creating high quality learning environments, and their Education Team have been driving a number of workstreams to realise the goals set-out within the document, in particular the development of a framework of ambition for new and existing schools in Cardiff. This presentation will set-out its ambition and look at the following:
- Demonstrate how a Local Authority can take National Government drivers and develop them to deliver for pupils at a local level.
- Provide an overview of Cardiff Council’s framework of ambition for creating ‘High Quality Learning Environments’ for new and existing schools in Cardiff.
- Demonstrate how Cardiff Council’s goals are supported and facilitated through the design framework, for example to create a ‘Learning Entitlement’ for all children and young people.