Optimising PV design in school settings
Optimising PV design in school settings
Alan Fogarty & Ian Keeling, Cundall and Andrew Wholley, Mott Macdonald
Photovoltaic (PV) arrays are a commonly used method for offsetting school energy use through on site renewables in order to meet the DfE’s net zero carbon in operation (NZCiO) standards. PVs are a well understood and cost affective technology.
PVs do not come without their challenges and limitations though. This presentation will illustrate the findings of a small consultant team who are currently undertaking research into various net-zero carbon design issues. We will set the scene by first outlining where we are as a sector. What are the current DfE standards, how is the need for PV arrays typically assessed and what are the key site and technical constraints?
We will then present a number of alternative design strategies, how these can be used to reach a more effective approach to PV design and the assessment methodology that validates and supports their use.