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13 Mar 2024

Grizedale Forest Circuit

Pentagon Play Hall: 1 Stand: 327
  • Grizedale Forest Circuit
  • Grizedale Forest Circuit
  • Grizedale Forest Circuit
Grizedale Forest Circuit Grizedale Forest Circuit Grizedale Forest Circuit

Crafted predominantly out of high-pressure treated timber logs and reinforced ropes, with a series of pathways for children to navigate at different levels, there is no limit to the number of travel combinations they can choose. It enables them to use every part of their body to develop both fine and gross motor skills, improve their balance, proprioception, strength and core stability.

When it comes to entry and exit points, it’s completely flexible and open-ended. It enables children to safely learn to manage risk, test their own boundaries and climb to their own limits.

A whole class of children can step and balance, reach and stretch, grip and grasp, pull and push, hang and swing, climb and jump.



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