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Student Experience

Student Housing and Social Value: Ross Barrett, HLM Architects

This presentation will draw on a recently undertaken post occupancy evaluation (POE) and social return on investment (SROI) study of student residences at the University of St Andrews to explore the issue of social value, particularly in relation to student housing. This study is the first of its kind on this building typology. The results of the study will be shared, identifying best practice for provision of student housing – including aspects of engagement, design, and operation of facilities. Furthermore, the study will be used to suggest best practice for industry-wide approaches to POE and SROI.

A new look at campus experience: Isabelle Taylor, Turnberry Consulting & Samantha Hall, Spaces Alive

The built environment plays a significant role in the micro-experiences that make up a student’s day. Every day students interact with different spaces for a variety of activities. These are complex and difficult to measure.

A new method has been successfully piloted in Australia and the UK where students evaluate their ‘whole-of-campus’ experience. A key outcome has been the identification of low cost campus projects to improve student experience.

Understanding how to improve the micro-moments will become increasingly useful as students return to campus following Covid. A seamless and enjoyable campus experience will help rebuild community, trust, belonging and safety.

Chair: Ian Caldwell, Strategic Facilities Adviser, King’s College London

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