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Net Zero Conference Recordings

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Funding your journey to Net Zero Carbon

The funding landscape to support schools and academies on their decarbonisation journey is quite complex and can be difficult and expensive to navigate.   Our expert panel will discuss the various routes to funding, what it can and should be used for, and also explore what future funding opportunities may become available.  We will also spend some time looking at what can be achieved without significant capital funding, which will enable all schools and academies to cut costs and cut carbon.  We want all delegates to leave the session enthused and confident that they know how to take the next steps on their journey to net zero carbon.

Chairperson: Sam Johnson, Chief Executive - DBE Services


Mark Greatrex, CEO - Bellevue Place Education Trust

Nicola Webb, Senior Energy and Carbon Consultant - Energy Sparks

John Allen, Buildings Decarbonisation Manager, Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) - South West Net Zero Hub

Sharon McHale, Innovation, Transformation and Sustainability Division - Department for Education

Matt Fulford, Director - Inspired Efficiency

Antonia Khayatt, Associate - RAFT

Harry Paticas, Managing Director - RAFT

Delivering High Quality, Sustainable Campuses


Eight Steps to Sustainable Campuses
Lucy Townsend and Michael Riley, BDP

In this presentation, Lucy Townsend, head of sustainability at BDP and Michael Riley, architect director at BDP will explain the eight-step process and use the case studies of ongoing projects at the University of Warwick STEM cluster and at LSE’s own 35 Lincoln’s Inn Fields as exemplars for sustainable design in the sector.

A holistic approach to sustainable building and landscape design, with an emphasis on Passivhaus and very-low carbon
Hugo Marrack, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

This talk will focus on three Higher Education projects of varying scales: a small social-learning building, a medium scale student residential project, and a student village for over 1000 students which targets net-zero-carbon.

Chairperson: Trevor Wills, Director of Estates & Facilities - University of Plymouth


Lucy Townsend, Head of sustainability - BDP

Michael Riley, Architect Technical Director - BDP

Hugo Marrack, Partner - Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

The barriers and enablers to a long-term Sustainable Estate

The technology to transition to net zero education estates has been well established many years, however the estate is still not there.

This session will explore the barriers and enablers to having a long-term sustainable estate, including:

  • the role of soft landings, stakeholder engagement and why commissioning is not just a nice to have;
  • the need for training and how are education organisations upskilling staff to take ownership of the NZ assets;
  • how education estates teams can use data to maximise efficiency and understand asset requirements;
  • What tools and guidance are out there for operational teams to push forward decarbonisation;
  • What other enabler or barriers need to be overcome to deliver decarbonisation.

The panel will share experiences from new and refurbished assets from across schools and further education colleges.

Chairperson: Hershil Patel, Associate Director | Sustainability Lead for Government and Public Agencies - Arcadis


Beverly Quinn, Engineering and Indoor Environment Lead - Department for Education

Alex Whitefield, Associate Director - AECOM

Becca Clarke, Project Manager - Mott MacDonald

Higher Education Case Studies

Entopia Building, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership
Anna Nitch-Smith, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership & Peter Kelly, ISG

Each of the project partners take you through their project brief, the challenges faced, and the solutions they implemented. The partner perspectives of the architect, MEP, acoustics and sustainability designers, project manager and the contractor are all presented.

How to plan your net zero pathway – University of Leeds case study
Nick Boid, Net Zero Campus lead & Lara Balazs, Senior Energy Engineer, Buro Happold and Ann Allen, University of Leeds

If you are responsible for a large educational estate and don’t know where to start on the pathway to achieving net zero carbon emissions, this Masterclass is for you. Net Zero Campus lead, Nick Boid and Senior Energy Engineer, Lara Balazs, will:

  • Talk you through every stage of the transition from feasibility to implementation
  • Outline heat and power decarbonisation options Discuss the pros and cons of a demand reduction plan;
  • Suggest the optimal approach taken around a fully costed pathway

Chairperson: Nazar Soofi, Head of Sustainability & Decarbonisation - Eddisons


Anna Nitch-Smith, Chief Operating Officer - Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership

Peter Kelly, Group Director of Sustainable Operations - ISG

Nick Boid, Technical Director - Buro Happold

Lara Balazs, Associate - Buro Happold

Ann Allen, Director of Campus Innovation and Development - University of Leeds

Energy Efficiency Initiatives - Pathways & Lessons Learnt

Delivering green technology at scale and pace – Case studies from school trusts
Tom Deacon & Matt Isherwood, Barker

Experts from leading education property consultancy, Barker, will share invaluable insights alongside compelling case studies from school trusts that have successfully implemented large-scale programs of energy efficiency projects including Solar PV, LED lighting and heating controls optimisation.

Heat Decarbonisation and Energy Pods
Helen Groves, AtkinsRéalis & Ian Keeling, Cundall

The project team has developed the designs to prove the viability as a platform system, and has also put together a Design Guide for engaging Schools and Multi-Academy Trusts with the Energy Pods pathway. This presentation will detail the current designs, as well as the proposed routes to get involved.

Chairperson: Gemma Taylor, Associate Director, Sustainability - Education Sector Lead - Mace


Tom Deacon, Partner - Barker

Matt Isherwood, Associate - Barker

Martin Smith, Deputy Director of Estates - Meridian Trust

Helen Groves, Architect Director - Education Sector Lead - AtkinsRéalis

Ian Keeling, Principal Engineer - Cundall

Using Data to Prioritise Investment

With ambitious targets being set around net zero commitments and the capital cost of decarbonisation interventions being challenging, there is a need to focus investment on high-impact outcomes, whilst supporting net zero strategy and resilience. The panel discussion will major on the important role that estates data plays in making informed investment decisions and setting the strategy.

Chairperson: Andrew Dutton, Sector Leader, Education - Arcadis


Mark Dolling, Strategic Development Director - eEnergy

Nicola Webb, Senior Energy and Carbon Consultant - Energy Sparks

Graham Lewis, Managing Director - Estates 360

Shrikant Sharma, CEO - SmartViz

Conference Partners

                    Arcadis        Barker        Eddisons    Saint-Gobain       Zenergi